My passport and headphones are ready to go to the Lululemon Managers Conference.
Years ago I read one of those lists that was bullet pointed with life tips. One of those tips said to make sure to always have a valid passport, because you never know when you might get the urge to leave the country.
Thankfully I’ve followed that advice, because I'll need my passport next month. I’m going to Vancouver, B.C. again. Returning to "Van" -- as the locals call it -- for the second time in less than two months.
When I was there in August it was to run 13.1 Seawheeze Half Marathon miles. This time it’s to DJ for 1,000-plus Lululemon employees and guests at their annual manager's conference.
Just to reiterate that .... I'm DJ'ing Lululemon's worldwide conference in Vancouver.
It's a bit surreal. Especially when I realize it's all because of a 1,000-word blog post that got shared around the world. A post that was read by more then 10,000 people, and from I've been told, touched hearts, brought chills and even tears of joy.
I didn't write it expecting anything. I just wanted to say thank you. I suppose it's true what people say about finding things when you least expect it.
For the past few years I used to sit in an office, knowing there was a better way for me to contribute to this world. To do so I needed to be in a different place. I knew there was a conversation that I could feel comfortable participating in.
You find those places and conversations by engaging with others that want to take you there, and I'm glad I'm finding those people.
Brett Timmons, a Lululemon Key Leader in San Diego (and one of those aforementioned people), said it best "don't tell someone at Lululemon your 'big hairy audacious goal' if you don't want it to come true."
That might be the best mistake I've made.